What orders have been placed?
Certification is a task that we, as fruit growers, must meet anyway. At Agromanager, we are fruit growers ourselves, and developed our registration system out of our own pressing need for more insight into achieving certain certifications. Read more about its numerous benefits and usability here.
We simplify all the admin for obtaining certificates 
That's why, with our certification module, we help you simplify all the administration leading up to obtaining your certificates. This module not only gives you insight into what all needs to be checked off on your to-do list, but also helps you with automatic completion of your standard documents.
All your fruit growing data stored in one central system
How can this be done so quickly and efficiently? Because all the data from your cultivation, your spray sheets, your treatments and so on are already stored in one and the same system. This information is known to Agromanager and can be used to obtain your certificates. Think about food safety, risk analyses, combating food fraud, the use of packaging materials, hygiene ... you name it!
We check per order whether your fruit meets the requirements.
Do the applications of a certain certificate suddenly apply at the cultivation level? Then we can check per order whether the fruit it contains does indeed meet those specific requirements. Moreover, you do not need a reminder for this: from the moment you receive and register a delivery note or empty goods, Agromanager presents you with a checklist with the right questions.
All requirements gathered in a handy checklist
Are you importing fruit or empties and do you still need to check your truck's cargo hold in advance for dryness or cleanliness, for example? Then you no longer need to think about that yourself: all the values appear on your handy checklist. This applies not only to you, but also to your employees.
So all the steps appear automatically at the right moment in the process, without you having to make a mental cat call for them. Because all these standard processes are digitized for both you and your team, you gain in overview, but also in energy, time and therefore money. Because as you know: time is money!
A certificate not yet in Agromanager? We add it
The more rules you have to comply with as a fruit grower, the greater the added value of Agromanager for you. Is a certain certificate you need to comply with not yet included in our options? No problem: we simply integrate it into our system. That is the big advantage of our customization!
Feel free to contact us for an appointment or more information. We are happy to help you further.